A man who first discovered he may have prostate cancer after buying an online test has called on others to be proactive about ...
Fortnite live events are known for attracting massive crowds. The most popular event had more than 15 million concurrent ...
The downtime for Fortnite Chapter 6 isn’t going to be short, Epic Games revealed. In fact, it will be one of the longest the ...
Q: Is PSA testing still the best screening test for prostate cancer? A: While middle-age men should consider the pros and ...
Jersey has the highest rate of prostate cancer diagnosis in the Channel Islands and also exceeds the average in the south ...
Initial research suggests this saliva test can be more accurate at identifying men who are at high risk of cancer than the prostate-specific antigen blood test.
Though his blood test was fine his PSA levels highlighted a potential issue, so Rupert was referred for an MRI scan and a biopsy, and, on December 27, 2023, he was given a prostate cancer diagnosis.
Despite having no symptoms, other than feeling slightly "off his normal pace" in terms of energy levels, Rupert made an appointment to see his GP and have a blood test, but the GP also suggested he ...
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the UK, with around 55,000 new prostate cancer cases diagnosed each year. It is therefore paramount to get your prostate checked regularly if ...
Hoy is advocating for men to ask for the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, which can help diagnose prostate problems, including cancer. A physical prostate exam is also commonly used to help ...