In any workplace, problems arise every day that need to be solved. In a manufacturing environment, solving problems can be challenging due to the large number of interrelated systems that exist in the ...
In any workplace, problems arise every day that need to be solved. In a manufacturing environment, solving problems can be challenging due to the large number of interrelated systems that exist in the ...
There are many approaches and selecting the best can be a challenge in itself! We will explore three common problem-solving approaches, 8D, DMAIC and PDCA, unpick the jargon and look at the benefits, ...
在职场上,总是听说用 PDCA 工作法可以提高效率;这种方法是什么,如何在产品工作中应用?这篇文章,我们看看作者分享的经验。 01 SOP:工作高效与规范的基石 工业革命时期,随着工厂制度 ...
PDCA管理循环,即计划(Plan)、实施(Do)、检查(Check)、处理(Act)四个阶段,是一种循环改进的管理模式。以下是针对各个选项的解析 ...
11月13日,南京江北新区医疗质量管理PDCA案例大赛在东南大学附属中大医院江北院区举行。此次大赛汇聚了新区众多医疗领域精英,共同探讨医疗 ...