Divers finally identify the wartime submarine “HMS Urge,” ending controversial claims of its secret WWII mission. Bee Gees Star Dead at 78 Ukrainian colonel compares Western and Soviet ...
Remote controlled cars are easy, and RC tanks can even shoot their guns. One type of vehicle has eluded remote control hobbyists to a large extent; building a remote control submarine is hard.
Falklands' veterans from HMS Spartan gather at Sunderland's War Memorial to honor their fallen colleagues Some thirty former crew members of Swift-sure Class nuclear submarine HMS Spartan gathered ...
厌战号舰载的剑鱼式鱼雷轰炸机在战斗中击沉了一艘德国潜艇U-64(英语:German submarine U-64 (1939)),成为二战期间第一架击沉潜艇的飞机。英军驱逐舰很快与德军驱逐舰接战,其中一艘重伤的德国驱逐舰Erich 高速戰艦 國皇家海軍所屬的名望號戰艦(英语 ...
As such, HMS Sheffield will be significantly more multi-functional than any vessel in the Type 23 Duke class, allowing it to tackle everything from counter-piracy patrols and disaster relief to ...
ARLINGTON, Va. – The Virginia-class attack submarine program will extend to an eighth block before the Navy transitions to the… ...
After hours: November 29 at 4:38 PM EST ...
The USS New Jersey made waves when it was commissioned — the first submarine in the U.S. Navy's fleet designed specifically with women in mind. It is Machinist Mate Kianna Gonzalez's first ...
HMS Triumph (1903))以20節(37公里每小時)的速度打破。在這些晚期的前無畏艦設計中, 厌战号战列舰 Whitworth)在战斗开始的当天将厌战号定为旗舰。厌战号舰载的剑鱼式鱼雷轰炸机在战斗中击沉了一艘德国潜艇U-64(英语:German submarine U-64 (1939)),成为二战期间 ...
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The firm had developed a new program to make the system fit for the Spanish Navy’s S-80 class submarines. The integration of Navantia’s AIP system will make S-80 class one of the most advanced ...
It was said to have reached depths of just over 1,000 meters in 1984, though the model sank in 1989 after a fire on board. It was wrecked in the Barents Sea. For an attack submarine, the ...