A "series of unfortunate events" led to the fate of a dog that was struck by a car on New Year's Day, not released to its owner, and died during the night at t Animal Shelter, city veterinarian Dr.
Emma Lawrence, known on TikTok as @elcreativecontent, heard her rescue dog barking outside and started following the sound to investigate why in the January 5 TikTok video. She found the dog, Flynn, ...
A family of five was home the moment an alleged drunk driver left the roadway, traveled down a hill, through a fence and ultimately through the front door of their house.
A long-time Costa Rica resident shares his third encounter with property theft in 30 years, highlighting the growing importance of home security measures.
Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet appear in Meghan Markle's Instagram tribute to her late dog Guy that the Duchess of Sussex posted on Jan. 7. See Archie and Lilibet's cameos in the video.