In the 2005 film Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Chancellor Palpatine, who has been revealed to be the evil Darth Sidious, issues "Order 66" to his army of clone troopers. This causes the ...
The show takes place about five years after Return of the Jedi, when the Jedi order does not exist as an organized group. Without the Jedi, the galaxy has become chaotic and pirates and criminals are ...
Star Wars Fallen Order is a phenomenal game in both story and gameplay. You play as a young Jedi who has gone into hiding on a scrap planet. The opening sequence/tutorial is so well done I had no idea ...
During the execution of Order 66, when clones they fight alongside ... Kanan remembered his Jedi training, trusted his senses amplified by the Force, and not only bested Maul, but thwarted his plans ...
Jedi-hunting warriors looking to finish what Order 66 started. You'll get Kestis dressed up like an Inquisitor, the Second Sister, and a Purge Trooper. Kestis and the Second Sister both come with ...
but the Jedi are suspicious and order Anakin to spy on Palpatine. Padmé reveals she's pregnant and Anakin starts to have nightmares of her dying in childbirth. Palpatine lures Anakin to the dark ...
Order 66 prompts the Clone Troopers to turn on the ... Luke Skywalker is training Grogu and trying to establish a new Jedi temple. He gives Grogu a choice between remaining a Padawan and becoming ...