In Japanese mythology, the deep-sea-dwelling oarfish is a harbinger of impending disaster. For scientists in California, where three oarfish have washed up in recent months, it’s an exciting find.
The backstory: Before the first fish was discovered in August, scientists had only recorded 19 oarfish that had washed up on the California coast since 1901. Read on... for more on the Japanese ...
Oarfish have been found around the globe, but one particular country's history with the fish has gathered the most attention: Japan. Researchers in Japan looked into this in 2019: "In Japan ...
While Japanese folklore links oarfish sightings to earthquakes, scientists say there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. The Scripps Institution of Oceanography will study the oarfish ...
Oarfish have been found around the globe, but one particular country's history with the fish has gathered the most attention: Japan. According to some media reports, oarfish have been associated ...