Phototherapy, particularly narrowband UVB, can stimulate repigmentation in affected areas ... it can take anywhere between a few seconds to a few minutes for the procedure to end. In the later stage ...
Dr. Guttman-Yassky adds, “Narrowband UVB may be best as it’s safe and effective.” PUVA is when a doctor uses UVA wavelength light, says Page, but for the treatment to be effective ...
Recently, UV bulbs, which omit a narrowband of UVB wavelengths (311-312 nm ... Male genitalia should be shielded during UV treatments, as should other uninvolved areas of the body at high risk ...
Phototherapy is very effective in the treatment of hand eczema; narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) therapy has demonstrated clinical efficacy also in therapy for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.