The non-profit Global Action Plan published a new report, which calls for a “significant policy change ... Tim Dexter, the ...
Emergency Medical Services in Kimberley has come under fire again after a Bloemanda family alleged that their loved one died ...
My asthma has not been responding to treatment. Kindly let me know what to do. Severe asthma either does not respond to treatments and medications at all or is very difficult to treat. This lack ...
IT’S that time of year where we’re greeted by a cacophony of coughs, sneezes and sniffles wherever we go. You might think a cough is a cough, but different conditions will produce a ...
New York’s Build Public Renewables Act will reduce carbon in the atmosphere, combat inequality, and help workers. It might ...
Women live longer than men, but live fewer years free from disability, wait longer for pain relief and many have their ...
The data is out there and has never been more important. Now, organizations must make efforts to access SDOH data, dive into ...
For-profit consultants across the country make millions each year by charging military veterans for help in filing their ...
In New Delhi, one of the most polluted cities in the world, a first-of-its kind hospital clinic is helping people suffering ...
Keanu Sai is, today, one of the more extreme thinkers about Hawaiian sovereignty. Growing up in Kuli‘ou‘ou, on the east end ...
A levonorgestrel morning-after pill like Plan B One Step, Next Choice One Dose, Take Action, My Way, and AfterPill can lower your chance of getting pregnant by 75-89% if you take it within 3 days ...