The story of Karina Chikitova, deemed the “real-life Mowgli,” is a fascinating tale that mirrors that of Disney’s The Jungle Book. “She was sitting deep in deep grass, completely silent,” he recalled.
SAN FRANCISCO – The last wild wolf in California was shot in 1924. It wasn’t until 2011 that another padded across the Oregon border. Today, gray wolves are making a major comeback in the ...
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. On one of his first ...
The Wolves (12-10) at one point led by as many as 19 points, but their lead was down to 80-77 early in the fourth quarter. Then Mike Conley drilled a corner 3-pointer. Anthony Edwards hit another ...
Even though marijuana is legal in Illinois, the state’s highest court has ruled that the smell of raw cannabis is enough for police to search a vehicle.… William "Doc" Worley, who co-founded ...