Blue Eye Samurai is created by Amber Noizumi and Michael Green. Set during the Edo period in Japan, the show focuses on Mizu, a half-white and half-Japanese warrior with blue eyes. Cold and bitter ...
EXCLUSIVE: Hiro Murai, one of today’s most influential and in demand directors of television and music videos, has found his long-awaited first feature project in Bushido, an original samurai ...
That wishful thinking has not survived this first Monday since the election. It is better to be clear-eyed about these things and to see them coming than to be in denial or to be surprised by them ...
People worry that when their loved ones die, they’ll slowly stop being able to picture them in their mind’s eye. Imagine never ... A few years earlier a meme of the blue and black – or ...
In some ways, Cillian Murphy’s ocean-blue eyes have become a celebrity in their own right. There are full-blown fan pages, YouTube montages, and even websites dedicated to those baby blues. The ...