Sonic the Hedgehog 3 delivers a thrilling mix of action, humor, and nostalgia. Directed by Jeff Fowler, the film stars Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik and features Keanu Reeves as the mysterious Shadow.
South Korea’s public prosecution ended their attempt to arrest former president Yoon Suk Yeol on Friday after being impeded by the Presidential Security Service, according to national media outlet ...
Wendy Gallardo Gallegos was marching with a backpack as part of Air Force Security Forces training when she twisted her right foot. It swelled up painfully, a nightmare scenario for an airman basic, ...
These are the thoughts of nearly 100 economists surveyed by the FT about the UK economy in the year ahead. The clear consensus is that Britain would continue to lag the more dynamic US economy and GDP ...
The famous party street prepares to welcome back patrons less than two days after a pickup truck rammed into a New Year's crowd, killing 14 and injuring dozens.