Is your security provider delivering on their promises? 🛡️ Let Divine Directions manage your security services and ensure everything runs smoothly, from offsite monitoring to SOP drafting.
As they make their way through courts across the metro area, a recent crop of class-action lawsuits against local apartment landlords could change how they bill tenants.
During the holidays, they're placing boxes with items of felony value-- at least $1500-- at cooperating homes around the county. The boxes will also contain a tiny tracking device.
COBRA is a Security Services Company based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We are proud to be one of the most accredited Security Companies in Northern Ireland.
B. Salisu; and the State Commissioner for Homeland Security, Mr Modest Osakwe. The Guardian learnt that Aku Community has been under the siege of IPOB elements led by one Ifeanyi Eze Okorienta ...