Priyanka Chopra shared not one, but two rare bikini photos as she posed with Nick Jonas and the couple's daughter Malti Marie ...
Diana donned a bold red Head ski jacket with a red and white cosy braided headband that oozed '80s aerobic fashion. Prince ...
Al Roker emerged as the face of Today's new fitness platform and has seized the opportunity to discuss living healthily.
Chloë Grace Moretz has found her own Hit-Girl. The Kick-Ass star appeared to confirm her engagement to her model girlfriend ...
Marijuana is legal in California, but selling it on the black market is not. Nor is owning a primate as a pet. As a result, Ali Mused Adel Mohamed now faces charges of driving under the influence ...
Even more rare, the couple learned: Their girls are two sets of identical twins. “I was laughing and crying at the same time,” Farrah, 29, tells PEOPLE. “My husband was about to pass out.” ...
Michael Carroll didn't go out in public and couldn't put on his own socks. Then he and wife Julie began taking a GLP-1 medication: 'It gave me my independence' Courtesy Julie & Michael Carroll ...
After finally marrying her longtime love, Iman Shokuohizadeh, in August, the couple announced on Christmas that they’re expecting their second child together. Duffey also has a son from a ...
Merging finances (even partially) is a big step. But assuming you’ve decided to take the plunge, these are the best credit cards for couples that are suited to reaching your shared goals.
Whom do we look to as models of endurance and hope? What have these people taught us? How might they serve as mentors? This devotion is from the Couples' Devotional Bible by Zondervan. Used with ...
After stopping a driver for excessive speed, police said they discovered a baby spider monkey wearing a onesie inside the vehicle. An officer from the California Highway Patrol's Madera office ...
The Bentonville, Arkansas couple has somehow managed to pull off this work-life juggling act, but the two will be the first to tell you it’s not easy. Here, the Marrs give us insight into how ...