or you can make your own. Though cakes are the most-common form of commercial suet for birds, it's available in other shapes suited to different feeders. And ingredients vary; some are designed to ...
(This is an easy project to do with kids!) To make suet cakes, combine 3 1/2 cups wild bird seed, 1 cup oats, and 1/2 cup corn meal. Melt 1 1/2 cups shortening and 3/4 cup nut butter and mix with ...
If you want to show the woodpeckers that overwinter in your area a little more love, focus on ways to make your yard more ...
As it is expected to get pretty darn cold around here starting Sunday, I thought a column concerning feeding birds is in order.
Social media can be the best place to view animal content featuring hundreds of furry and feathered friends. After all, the internet seems like it's made for cat and dog pictures. Facebook and ...
I make sure the seed has been crushed into small pieces, remembering the size of a bird’s beak ... And then, there is suet cakes which are high in fat to help maintain weight for the winter.
Tom Mizik has been a birdwatcher for more than 50 years and a carver of birds for more than 30. He mostly does Colorado birds ...
dried fruit or bird seed to create suet cakes for your favourite garden visitors. If you make too much, you can freeze them and take them out as required.
They’re selling like hot suet cakes. Of that 22 ... and it’s better to leave his birds eyeless. “Eyes can make or break it,” he said. “I’m not good at getting lifelike eyes.