In the world of anime characters, be it heroes or villains, few have achieved the legendary status of Gear 5 Luffy from One Piece. However, even the mightiest can face their match. This article ...
One Piece Episode 1071 not only unleashed Gear 5 Luffy in the anime, and with it saw the Five Elders in the World Government reveal why they interfered in Luffy and Kaido’s fight in the first place.
That much was made clear this weekend as One Piece episode 1071 just went live to global fanfare, and the demand for Gear 5 Luffy really did break the Internet. If you don’t know what all the ...
You’ve reached your account maximum for followed topics. Luffy's Gear 5th is his awakened devil fruit power, granting him immense strength and the ability to extend his elasticity to objects.
He managed to learn all three forms of advanced Haki, and at the same time, he also awakened his Devil Fruit, tapping into the power of Gear 5. With all his newly awakened powers, Luffy was ...