Posing alongside Cara Delevingne, Elle Fanning and Kerry Washington at the 19th annual L’Oréal Paris Women of Worth ...
测试又发现,逾九成样本含有香料致敏物,当中有2款更检出欧盟禁用香料铃兰醛,该香料亦具生殖毒性。此外,25款样本中有3款没有检出是次测试的去屑活性成分,包括「KLORANE」(#1)、 「MARO」(#11)和「桂圆美」(#15)。
消委会洗头水|不少人会使用去屑洗头水(即去头皮洗头水),希望能减轻症状。消委会测试市面上25款去头皮洗头水,发现当中4款含欧盟《化妆品条例》禁用的成分吡硫鎓锌,含量介乎0.19%至 0.95%,分别为「HAIR CORNER」、「Petal Fresh Pure」、「CLEAR」 和「Philip B.」。吡硫鎓锌具抑菌去屑作用,惟动物研究显示其可能会损害胎儿生长,及有研究指出可引起接触性皮肤炎, ...
This anti-aging eye treatment harnesses the power of retinol, hyaluronic acid and vitamin C to reduce wrinkles, minimize puffiness and brighten the delicate skin near your eyes. Anti-aging eye cream ...
Concerns about stress-related hair loss, the environmental impact of aerosols, and the affordability of drugstore staples ...