Nagpur: Minister Nitesh Rane took a dig at Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut on Saturday, likening his security concerns to a mosquito problem. "To kill mosquitoes, you need to use mosquito repellents.
"Problematic insects like mosquitoes ... insects that will also take shelter around your yard in the winter." A broad treatment could not only kill the pests but the beneficial insects, too.
Do what you can to minimize the number of mosquito bites you get by reducing these insects in your yard and protecting yourself when outdoors. In addition to choosing lighter colored clothing so you ...
An experimental bacteria-derived biopesticide is highly effective in killing malaria-carrying mosquitoes ... Even when the biopesticide didn't kill the insects, it largely reversed their chemical ...
Even when the biopesticide didn’t kill the insects, it largely reversed their chemical insecticide resistance. At the highest dose of 200 mg/ml, the biopesticide wiped out the vast majority of the ...