Dear Quentin, I am 42, married with no kids, and currently working. I am living with my in-laws’ house, and not paying any rent which is ok with my in-laws. I have $114,000 in a 401(k) and $1,400 in ...
This year’s play by Theater Alaska is an adaption by Arlitia Jones and Michael Evan Haney that follows Dickens’ original ...
As technology - including AI - moves forward at a pace, so do our options for presents. The Miko Mini is described as not ...
EXCLUSIVE The singer-songwriter says she spent her ‘whole life struggling with certain things’ which now have taken on new meaning ...
The question comes down to can we remove the danger, or must we remove the child?” said Robert Knodell, of the Missouri Department of Social Services. “And you know, that decision has to be made ...
Jeff Rossen teams up with Hearst reporters and their children to test and review the most popular toys of the year.
Those households often don't qualify for public assistance, and they sometimes have to make difficult decisions about which ...
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, chances are pretty good that you're a Christmas fan of the highest order ...
many parents of our older daughter’s friends decided to drop their kids off and go out for the evening, rather than joining ...
Experts say parents can try to make the season more manageable by rethinking expectations, asking for help, handling family drama strategically and giving themselves something to look forward to in ...