An Arduino project to log GPS data to a MicroSD using the tiny XIAO ESP32-C3. The components are small and light enough to fit around a cat collar! Now we know where the cat runs around at night :-) ...
Thankfully, expert-tested and parent-reviewed GPS trackers can ensure you know where your child is at all times, no matter how frequently they wander off. I would balance the need for safety ...
Seven more vehicles and one attempted theft of a vehicle was reported to Waterloo Regional Police on Wednesday.
The global Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare market has witnessed significant growth, escalating from a valuation of $113.7 billion in 2019 to a projected $332.67 billion by 2027. This ...
The best bike computer is a massive upgrade for any cyclist, loaded with technology GPS computers provide exceptional functionality that's also user-friendly. They can track all your ride data ...
We list the best GPS fleet tracking solutions ... By giving you a near-field communication fob, it offers precise and thorough trip logging and enables you to distinguish between various vehicle ...
Just in time for the new year's first meteor shower, we've rounded up the best star trackers on the market, allowing you to improve your astrophotography game by tracking the Earth's rotation.
The components are small and light enough to fit around a cat collar! Now we know where the cat runs around at night :-) GPS tracker for your vehicle showing position in the Maidenhead Locator System ...
Here’s how it works. You do not need to spend hundreds of dollars on a shiny new smartwatch to reap the benefits of fitness tracking — you can monitor your stats just as effectively with the ...
But on Christmas Eve, it tackles perhaps its most important mission: tracking Santa Claus as he delivers presents around the world. Tracking Santa is something NORAD has done for decades.
Ademilade has worked as a writer for Techopedia since February 2024. Beyond this, he's spent the last five years creating optimized content for SaaS, tech,… The best cheating spouse tracker apps will ...
Bluetooth trackers have made losing your keys or bag less of a headache, but they've also given people a sneaky way to misuse them. To tackle this, both Apple and Google have introduced alerts to ...