The word “hell” in Christian tradition is a catchall term encompassing a variety of New Testament references to consequences ...
Why do humans care so much about justice? It’s a question worth pondering, especially during Christmas when themes of peace, ...
Starting with Jesus’ Palm Sunday ride into Jerusalem, the events written in the Bible’s New Testament leading up to the ...
Those who truly follow Jesus turned back from their former way of life. How uplifting it is to know that "If anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 ...
I am reposting here my annual collection of resources on the Epiphany, the visit of the magi to the young Jesus, as recorded ...
Papyrus 75 is a single sheet of papyrus that contains the oldest known copy of the Lord’s Prayer, a fragment of the Gospel of ...
This is the latest in a Saturday series of stories and photographs featuring local holiday traditions. JOHNSTOWN, Pa. – For those observing Orthodox Christmas, it's a time of self-reflection, prayer ...
No text ever written can compare with the impact of the Nicene Creed in this way: Whenever the world’s two billion-plus Christians gather for their regular Communion services, most recite these ...
Following the Julian calendar, some Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas 13 days later than those who use the Gregorian ...
I wrote a first version of this article (revised in the light of comments) five years ago, in response to people posting ...
Every student who goes to Dallas Theological Seminary takes the class BE101 (Bible Exposition) their first semester. Howard Hendricks, aka Prof, taught it for over 50 years and after he died Dr. Mark ...