Karuizawa’s Geisha Series, a collection of highly sought-after Japanese whiskies, pays homage to both the artistry of geisha and the legacy of the once-defunct but now "reopened" Karuizawa ...
My Geisha Production: Paramount/Sachiko. Director Jack Cardiff; Producer Steve Parker; Screenplay Norman Krasna; Camera Shunichiro Nakao; Editor Archie Marshek; Music Franz Waxman; Art Director ...
KYOTO--A geisha community here will put on its annual “Gion Odori” dance performance in November for the first time in three years. The Gion Higashi Kabukai association, based in one of Kyoto ...
ATAMI, Shizuoka Prefecture--A teahouse in this coastal hot spring resort close to Tokyo is offering geisha shows as part of efforts to keep the dwindling cultural tradition alive. The idea is to ...
Some people call it the “Black Friday” of tattoos. While Friday the 13th is typically considered unlucky, it’s a day of tradition and discounts at tattoo shops across Colorado and the country.
The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) is a Partnership between the Government of Japan (GoJ) and the World Bank conceived in the wake of the Asian financial crisis in the late 1990s. It was ...
For the uninitiated, sorting one's rubbish can be a convoluted process in Japan - a country that boasts one of the world's strictest waste disposal rules. But in the city of Fukushima, things are ...
Japanese artists Iwasa Matabei (1578–1650) and Takashi Murakami, though separated by centuries, converge in a singular, uncanny moment in Gagosian’s latest exhibition: “Japanese Art History ...
Getting a tattoo generally involves some pain, but the location and your personal tolerance will affect how much it hurts. Getting tattooed on an area with little fat, many nerve endings ...