We tested 15 instant cameras from Fujifilm, Polaroid, Lomography and others, and found three iconic models that let you live ...
For more functionality, including the ability to print images from your smartphone, you can download the free Instax LiPlay app on Android and iOS. This gives access to customising the numbered ...
The Instax Mini LiPlay is available for £129 on Amazon, this is for the camera only. Film is available for £14.25, giving you 20 shots. This makes the camera on the expensive side, but the ...
富士INSTAX mini LiPlay手绳相机包套装,深咖色款,现售价仅24.9元!别再看错价格了哦!赶紧来试试吧! 富士INSTAX mini LiPlay是一款集拍照、录像和音频于一体的便携式照片打印机。它采用了新一代 ...
I think the Instax Mini 12 is the perfect Christmas gift for loved ones who are hard to buy for since they can capture ...
与mini LiPlay一起轻松打造户外风潮流造型, 让城市户外一拍即合,释放鲜活随性的快乐主张与轻盈节拍。 随抹茶绿单机同步推出的“游民牧歌”系列 ...
富士 instax 游民牧歌系列 mini LiPlay 手绳相机包套装,以深咖色为基调,设计时尚简约。该商品是相机爱好者的首选,不仅功能强大,而且操作简单易学。 这次的优惠活动力度相当大,只需要24.9 ...
The Instax Pal can also be connected to an Instax mini LiPlay ($149) or an Instax mini Evo instant camera. The cost of film will depend on the format you desire. For example, Instax mini film is ...
The Instax Mini 99 is Fujifilm’s latest and greatest “mini”-sized analog camera. It replaces the previous flagship, the Instax Mini 90, after a wait of nearly eleven years. As such, the Instax Mini 99 ...