“Cacti and succulents are ideal low-maintenance houseplants for winter because they can store water in their leaves, allowing ...
Whether you are an experienced indoor plant collector with an amazing display or new to the game with just one or two ...
If you just can’t get enough of them, try growing some indoor begonia plants. Many stunning varieties do well indoors and ...
So before you give in to your black thumb and throw in the trowel (pun intended), see if any of these points might help ...
I thought I would try growing paperwhites this winter to add some color and fragrance in my kitchen. Do you have some tips on ...
Areca Palm is known for its air purifying properties that helps to removes toxins. It creates a allergen free space during ...
Making sure your indoor plants get enough sunlight can be tough. Luckily, you can use one of these highly-reviewed grow ...
I posted this picture of my jade plant flowering on BS and a lot of people expressed surprise that jade plants flower, and I ...