Abstract: The evolution of modern large-scale computer architecture within IBM is described, starting with the announcement of System/360 in 1964 and covering the latest extensions to System/370.
Designers like Eliot Noyes gave IBM's products a crisp, modernist midcentury casing, making their massive forms appear perfectly at home in the glass and steel HQs of the Fortune 500. From the ...
At the Museum of Latin American Art in Long Beach, Calif., the illuminating exhibit "Arteônica" traces the region's ...
最近这几年,在信创浪潮的带动下,国产操作系统取得了非常不错的发展成果。以麒麟、统信、鸿蒙等为代表的国产操作系统品牌,越来越多地出现在我们的视野中。那么,国内是什么时候开始启动操作系统研究的呢?这些年,国产操作系统到底经历了哪些发展阶段?目前,我们的国 ...
Turning trash into art is something we undoubtedly all admire. [Davis DeWitt] did just that with a massive mural made entirely from discarded receipt paper. [Davis] got lucky while doing some ...
2008年10月20日,很多中国网友打开电脑,会发现自己的桌面黑屏了,右下角还会弹出一个对话框,上面写着:“您可能是软件盗版的受害者”。 这是微软针对中国区用户推出的正版增值计划(WGA),安装了盗版微软系统或Office套件的电脑,每隔60分钟就会自动黑屏一次。 打击盗版本来是一件名正言顺的事情,但微软这波操作,就好比你在家看动作片,每隔5分钟有人自称FBI上门警告一样,不仅闹心,还让人脊背发凉 ...