Take better notes today with these quick copy and paste note taking templates. Paste them into a word doc or your favorite ...
A rise in Bible sales coincides with reports by Lifeway Christian Resources and reflects a growing desire to learn more about ...
Hallow has to date received over $100 million in funding, with right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel and incoming Vice President ...
A rise in Bible sales coincides with reports by Lifeway Christian Resources and reflects a growing desire to learn more about ...
Every few years, a musician with distinctive style and signature arrives in the Carnatic scene. One of the most interesting ...
Maybe he'll return it once he gets to the part that reads, "Thou shalt not steal." Until then, residents of one Northeast ...
Author and essayist Isobella Jade shares her thoughts on how heirlooms and artifacts can help you tell your story.
The opening chapters of Matthew and Luke introduce us to Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah, conceived by the Holy Spirit and ...
To grow in the knowledge of God and to live in light of His truth, it’s important that we set aside focused time to study His Word. As you consider your Bible study plans for the year ahead, explore ...
If you were to ask Joel for his musical inspiration, besides the obvious trailblazers like those who charged the 1960s ...
Living with chronic migraine can wear you down and make you feel awful. Discover 17 unique ways to cope and help you shift ...