Leaf mulch is the gift that keeps on giving. Here are some of the ways it helps you and your garden: The way you’ll make your ...
Cypress mulch is a popular, budget-friendly alternative to hardwood varieties for your yard. It does, however, come with ...
which over time decomposes to create mulch and compost. The recycling of fallen leaves for using in our garden pots and onto garden beds and borders is a very satisfying garden job. It is very ...
With fertiliser prices soaring almost every month, making own compost manure can help a famer save a great deal. Compost manure is rotten animal waste and plant. Composting helps to produce ...
Compost heaps can be designed to suit gardens of all sizes. You can build your own or choose from a whole range of specially designed bins, available at garden centres and through internet and ...
How long will it take? Begin in spring to have compost by autumn. Compost can be made all year round. 1 Help your children to set up the compost bin or site, ensuring the bin is placed on earth ...
I’m not making fun of anyone who buys their mulch by the bag, but to put it in perspective, at the end of the mulching season, I normally have removed more than four bags of mulch from under my ...
Treecycle transforms holiday trees into mulch and makes it available to residents for free at the annual Mulch Giveaway.
The best way to make sure that you have healthy, nutrient dense soil is to apply compost to the area you’re planning to put your garden. How to Create Compost The best materials for starting a ...