I’m seeing all these cute little potted Christmas trees in the garden centers and was considering buying a few. How do I care for them ... is drought tolerant. Plant it in full sun (at least ...
Q. I’m seeing all these cute little potted Christmas trees in the garden centers and was considering buying a few. How do I care for them? Can they be planted outside here? Rosemary is a versatile ...
In time they will need to grow up a moss pole or stick for support. Swiss cheese plants are easy house plants to care for and are generally pest- and disease-free. They can live for years in the right ...
URBANA — Perennial plants being overwintered in pots are subjected to much harsher conditions compared to those in the soil. Because of this, they can be damaged and killed. Fortunately ...
You don’t have to say goodbye to all of your beautiful garden and patio plants when the first frost is headed your way. You can save many plants for next spring by bringing them indoors to enjoy as ...