People with anxiety ... high stress, lack of sleep, isolation and a sedentary lifestyle, to name just a few. This even trickles down to the way we describe disease. "Dis-ease," he said, means "lack of ...
As women, particularly women of color, knowing the symptoms of a heart attack is imperative for our health and livelihood. Black women of any age have a higher incidence of heart attacks in comparison ...
If you're dealing with anxiety, know that you're not alone, and there are ways to manage your symptoms. First and foremost, it's essential to understand that anxiety is a natural response to stress.
The symptoms aren’t limited to just anxiety, according to Andrea D. Guastello, PhD, a licensed psychologist at the University of Florida Department of Psychiatry. "It can be any psychiatric ...
Are they high-pitched or loud? 3. Finally, choose three parts of your body to move. Short-term techniques to help you manage anxiety symptoms at the moment are essential. However, they don't ...
Thankfully, the NHS has put together a list of symptoms that could serve as early warning signs. One such symptom might manifest during or shortly after eating, particularly in women. Cancer ...
Research has long suggested that, for many people, anxiety symptoms spike and mental health otherwise suffers at night. A 2022 study labeled this phenomenon the “mind after midnight hypothesis ...
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a mental health condition that causes excessive worry accompanied by other symptoms. It is one of the anxiety disorders. Your healthcare provider can help you ...
It might be as high as 1 in 2 among those who use it every day. You might have cannabis use disorder if you: If you've been regularly using large amounts of weed, withdrawal symptoms might start ...
For all latest news, follow The Daily Star's Google News channel. Common symptoms of high arches: Individuals with high arches often experience symptoms like: foot pain during walking, standing ...