But as Hearthstone is free-to-play it is in the nature of the beast that players needs to invest time and/or money to get additional cards unlocked. The current price for card packs has been the topic ...
Class: Shaman As Hearthstone ... Shaman cards, some of the more impactful spells include Wish Upon a Star, which grants +2/+3 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield, or Pack the ...
This week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl, Heroic Brawliseum , is a strange amalgamation of the Arena and the Ladder. Like Arena, ...
players got the first single player expansion and a lot more fun cards to experiment with such as the Undertaker, Sludge Belcher or the Nerubian Egg. While the first expansion was still not in sight, ...