Berserk is a dark and intense manga series by Kentaro Miura. Set in a world that resembles medieval Europe, it follows the story of Guts, a skilled swordsman, and Griffith, the leader of a mercena ...
Kentaro Miura’s Berserk is a dark fantasy masterpiece, captivating readers and viewers with its epic story, unforgettable characters, and brutal action. For newcomers venturing into Guts’ world, the ...
“Berserk,” which features the swordsman Guts battling monsters, proved to be a huge hit both in Japan and overseas. It has sold 60 million copies, in digital as well as other formats ...
Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the world’s largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Reuters provides business, financial ...
Tennessee family wants Supreme Court to strike down ban on gender-affirming treatments for minors on the grounds of sex discrimination and violating parental rights. Sarah Kate Ellis, President of ...