Berserk is a dark and intense manga series by Kentaro Miura. Set in a world that resembles medieval Europe, it follows the story of Guts, a skilled swordsman, and Griffith, the leader of a mercena ...
Kentaro Miura’s Berserk is a dark fantasy masterpiece, captivating readers and viewers with its epic story, unforgettable characters, and brutal action. For newcomers venturing into Guts’ world, the ...
Yet, when pitted against equally iconic swordsmen from other series, his strength might get tested. Another tough opponent for Mihawk would be Guts with Berserker Armor from Berserk. With the Armor, ...
I’ve never played a game where I feel as cool as Guts from Berserk when he swings his sword. That has finally changed. Roll for epic loot and challenge powerful bosses or players as you push to ...
Miura’s sudden passing at the age of 54 not only marked the loss of an extraordinary talent but also left millions of fans grieving for the man who gave life to the epic tale of Guts and the Band of ...