Source Sport Goofy in Soccermania is an animated featurette produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation that first aired on television in 1987. During its debut, it was preceded by a mockumentary called ...
“An Extremely Goofy Movie,” have gained vast popularity. And no Disney cartoon would be complete without golden wisdom woven between the dialogue of its quirky characters. As a college student, I can ...
Through redubbed footage of Holiday for Henpecked Husbands (and other Goofy episodes of the Walt Disney anthology series), Goofy wants to go golfing, but his wife keeps him home to do various chores ...
All experiments are run on a single RTX 2080Ti GPU. Setup environment: Python 3.8.0 PyTorch 1.13.1 Cuda Toolkit 11.6 Ubuntu 18.04 Install the required packages: Clone ...