Come experience Winter Whimsy at Concordia. This year, the campus will transform into a winter wonderland for all to enjoy.
Eating out with friends is a pleasant experience if you choose a good restaurant. But restaurant food is not healthy unless ...
5. Nokia's top managers should have had better conversation techniques to encourage internal coordination and truth.
在唐纳德·特朗普赢得美国大选后,美国股市曾屡创历史新高,但过去一周美股趋于平稳。最初的“特朗普冲击”效应可能正在减弱,因为市场对企业收益增长的预期(这在一定程度上得益于特朗普放松监管和降低税率的政策),越来越多地反映在市场价格中。然而,抛开美国大选的 ...
西南航空首席执行官罗伯特·乔丹表示,在疫情过后,“人们显然更倾向于选择更高端的服务。高端服务的定义是多样的——可能是额外的腿部空间,或者是飞往欧洲的头等舱,但对高端服务的需求在增加,人们希望得到更好的体验。” ...
In the wake of the recent U.S. presidential election and heightened stock market volatility, investors are turning their ...
Please explain this sentence, with “right on the money” in particular: Bill Clinton’s campaign was right on the money when it ...
智堡双11活动进行中,AI投研系统与会员价格皆为最优,点击阅读原文登陆后即可享受。引子北京时间凌晨4点,鲍威尔在达拉斯的演讲中表示“经济并没有发出任何我们需要急于降低利率的信号”,这是他在通胀数据公布后首次提供对未来货币政策的指引/沟通,虽然在演讲稿 ...
“他们会来我们这里品尝台湾本土咖啡豆,然后去吴泽霖那里品尝冠军咖啡,然后去啡卡咖啡(Fika Fika Cafe)喝北欧风格的咖啡,”森高砂咖啡(SanFormosan Coffee)的主理人董鼎禾(Dong Ding ...
Oh, flood the zone. The phrase itself is originally an American football jargon. Literally, it means putting a lot of people to defend a particular area. The idea is simple. If you put enough people ...