编译 / 手游那点事 泽塔在2024年的全球手游市场,休闲手游仍然是最吸金的细分市场之一。近日,移动应用市场研究公司AppMagic公布了从今年1月~11月,全球范围内收入排名前十的休闲手游发行商,并分享了上榜厂商旗下休闲手游过去11个月的预估总收入。需要指出的是,该机构只统计手游产品在苹果App Store和Google ...
The gold price in Lahore fluctuates on a regular basis. People often want to get information about today gold rate in Lahore Sarafa Bazar for 1 gm, 10 gm, and 1 tola. However, the gold rate also ...
The latest Gold prices provide ease in the current exchange rates of Pakistani rupees. Gold is the standard measuring unit among all the precious metals. Since the 21 carat gold price in Pakistan vary ...