My Dress-Up Darling hit its first season out of the park, with CloverWorks delivering animation that compares favorably to ...
After being announced in 2021, the anime adaptation of My Friend's Little Sister Has It In for Me! will be released in October of this year. Check out the new teaser trailer for a preview!
We've already heard that Clint Barton's brother Barney, aka the villainous Trickshot, might be set to debut in season 2 of ...
After the amazingly insightful news that Brian Dennehy will be playing Batman, we think we know who almost every other ...
Movie, Hollywood is right on the cusp of a video game movie revolution. Once regarded as the bottom of the barrel that onl ...
Star Wars movie and it sounds like the project is already zeroing in on an A-List lead star. Could Ryan Reynolds make his ...
Nightreign is removing the iconic messaging system. A bold design choice that aligns with the core of the new game.