虎扑12月12日讯 WE电子竞技俱乐部人员变动公告:经过双方友好协商,我们非常高兴地向大家宣布,即日起,Vampire(赵哲灿)正式加入西安曲江WE电子竞技俱乐部,担任英雄联盟分部辅助位置选手。Vam ...
Weapons with high-scaling damage are always welcome in endless runs, and La Borra will wreck any enemy foolish enough to ...
虎扑12月03日讯 IG发布人员变动公告:辅助选手Vampire正式离队iG电子竞技俱乐部选手变动公告:在俱乐部与选手进行充分友好的沟通后,我们在此向大家宣布原iG电子竞技俱乐部英雄联盟分部辅助选手赵 ...
What are the best vampire games on PC? Being able to jump really high, tear regular humans to shreds, use creepy magic powers, and replenish health by feasting on your enemies – this should be a ...
While the dark appeal of vampire fiction has technically drawn in gothic horror fans for centuries, Vampire: The Masquerade ...
Vampire Survivors has diverse characters like Pasqualina Belpaese, Big Trouser, Red Death, each with unique traits. Each game ...