Frankie, a five-year-old French bulldog, weighs a whopping 26kg - around the same as a small adult deer. His owner Danielle ...
Yes, the ten puppies are all from the same ... experience that multiples can be a real trial. The French Bulldog is one of the most popular breeds of dog, beloved for their compact size, adorable ...
Frankie the Frenchie is a real head-turner - tipping the scales at a whopping 26kg, the five-year-old pooch is a big deal ...
Frankie the Frenchie weighs a whopping 26kg and is believed to be the biggest of his breed in the world, with his owner being ...
The sweet French Bulldog ... of the breed. "Though they may be small, French Bulldogs can be pretty excitable and hyperactive. Some people say their Frenchies are like 'perpetual puppies' right ...
They want people to stop buying English bulldogs and two other popular breeds - the French bulldog and the pug - until breeding issues are addressed. They're also calling on the public to stop ...