live from the UK Capital London's New Year's Day Parade - a much cherished turn-of-year tradition - is back to its very best. The historic streets of London will be filled with pomp, circumstance ...
That’s it. That’s the story. Congrats on having good luck forever, all you New Year’s Day, bbs! Step with your right foot first. Many cultures think that if you step into the New Year ...
For many people, celebrating New Year’s Day can include reflecting on a life well lived or a chance to start anew. But for some, the holiday may have dark undertones, according to a recent large ...
Made a resolution to "get more fit" or "get outside more often?" A New Year's Day hike in one of New Jersey's state parks or historic sites can get you off to a good start. The State Park Service ...
From making resolutions and eating black eyed peas, to hanging onions outside and eating grapes, people all across the world are preparing their personal rituals to ring in the New Year at ...
A lot of meaning was also placed on who would be the first person to pass through the door on New Year’s Day. If it was a tall, dark, handsome man, this would bring the home and its occupants ...
This myth states that washing your clothes on New Year's Day could lead to "washing a loved one away" and could even lead to bad fortune. Similarly, some people believe that doing any cleaning ...
While by definition, superstitions are irrational -- avoiding ladders, black cats and the wrong side of the bed, for instance -- that doesn’t stop us from dragging them out on Jan. 1 and ...
Asda stores will be open around the country on both New Years Eve and New Years Day. On New Year’s Eve, stores will remain open from 7am to 7pm. However, they will close early on New Year's Day ...
Whether you're heading out to a party or hanging out on your sofa, seeing in the New Year is the perfect excuse to dress up - after all ... Then when the sales start on Boxing Day, you can be ahead of ...