Forest City, a $100 billion project by China in Malaysia, was supposed to revolutionize urban living with its eco-friendly ...
CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- As the sun sets over the Yangtze River, the urban area of Fengdu is bathed in a magnificent display of natural beauty. The golden hues of the river seem to wrap the city in a ...
“千万工程”是习近平总书记在浙江工作时亲自谋划、亲自部署、亲自推动的一项重大决策。21年持续努力,从农村环境整治入手,由点及面,起笔于群众利益、落笔绘乡村繁荣,创造了无数推进乡村全面振兴的成功经验和实践范例。 农村生活污水是造成人居 ...