The third Avatar installment, "Fire & Ash," to be released in 2025. Concept art previews a new air tribe and the "Ash People". The sequel follows a similar blueprint to Avatar: The Last Airbender ...
For NCT DREAM, the concept of dreams and a sense of youthful optimism have been woven throughout the septet's fabric since its debut in 2016. "The word 'dream', it has grown on us, and I think on ...
More than a decade after the launch of Final Cut Pro X, Apple’s video editing software is taking a step forward. The app is now being updated to Final Cut Pro 11, after dropping the number in ...
The first major alliance raid for Final Fantasy XIV‘s update 7.0 has arrived in updated 7.1, called Jeuno: The First Walk. It’s the start of several more set to release in future updates ...
In both the full and preliminary FF14 7.1 patch notes, Square Enix says that the new curly hairstyle is “inspired by” one of the FF14 Hairstyle Design Contest winning entries. ‘Madqueenmomo ...
Ever since the release of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, we have been treated to various types of raids and combat scenarios. Whether it’s the traditional 8-man raids that started with the ...
Mazda continues to hint strongly at a production version of the Iconic SP concept The Iconic SP debuted at the 2023 Tokyo auto show Power comes from electric drive system with rotary engine ...