Design Solution: The front elevation required the house be long and deep, generous stair halls were placed in the corners to bring daylight throughout the house ... and millwork. Interior and exterior ...
Facing east as it commands a hillside off Old Lincoln Highway in Ligonier Township, the new A-frame home that attracted considerable attention during its construction this summer is dubbed Diamond ...
Ana Swanson covers trade and reported from Washington. If you ask many a Wall Street investor, tax cuts are poised for extension, deregulation is all but guaranteed, immigration reform for high ...
I tested the lens on a Canon EOS R8 full-frame camera and found that levels of sharpness were both impressive and fairly consistent right out to the extreme edges and corners of the image frame.
Meanwhile, the aluminum frame takes on secondary ... By eliminating the closed corner of a room, the design establishes visual continuity with the exterior, resulting in a fluid, open space.