The Fox workplace comedy show ‘Going Dutch’ introduces the audience to an unconventional army base where a by-the-book Colonel is forced into a den of surprisingly mellow soldiers. Colonel Patrick ...
JAKARTA: Hundreds of Indonesian artefacts that were in the Netherlands for more than a century - the bulk of which were looted by the Dutch during their colonial rule - are now on display at Indonesia ...
Hundreds of Indonesian artefacts, which were in the Netherlands for more than a century, are now on display at the national museum in Jakarta. They are among the latest batch of items returned ...
The oldest man in the UK is preparing to celebrate his birthday this Christmas Eve. Donald Rose will turn 110 on 24 December and will have a wartime theme party at the care home in Ilkeston, ...
Ivory Coast's national dish attiéké has gained UN cultural heritage status, along with Japanese sake, Thai prawn soup and Caribbean cassava bread. But what makes this West African staple so popular?