A few years ago, Dota Autochess took the game by storm. Now, we look at another auto battler making waves in the Dota 2 arcade – Ability Arena. The Dota 2 arcade is not a place that makes the news ...
And that is how to download and play BroDota, the hot new custom game within Dota 2. There are a few mechanics that it may take a while to understand, such as weapon sets, and the overarching ...
With years of data from professional Dota 2 in our hands, we take a look at closely games adhere to a normal distribution, also known as the bell curve. If you have been through a basic statistics ...
Dota 2 is home to 126 heroes ... After mastering them, you can confidently start queuing ranked games. You can refer to the tier list featured in this article if you want to narrow down your ...