Disney is returning to the Pride Lands to tell the story of Mufasa: The Lion King, a computer-animated prequel to The Lion King directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Barry Jenkins. Mufasa ...
Mufasa: The Lion King is a sequel to the 2019 Lion King remake. Jenkins has said it was important to revisit the Disney classic so the audience would understand that the protagonist, Lion Mufasa ...
Disney’s been caught out exaggerating the success of its latest live-action effort, Mufasa: The Lion King (2024). Divisive though its live-action remakes may be – including The Lion King ...
Right now, “Mufasa: The Lion King” is only playing in theaters, so the only way to watch the movie is to buy a movie ticket. But the film will eventually be streaming on Disney+. A streaming release ...
(L-R) Afia (voiced Anika Noni Rose), Young Mufasa (voiced by Braelyn Rankins) and Masego (voiced by Keith David) in Disney’s MUFASA: THE LION KING. (L-R) Afia (voiced Anika Noni Rose), Young ...