Unlike determinate tomato plants, indeterminate varieties can grow anywhere from six to eight feet tall! They will have continuous growth and produce fruit for a longer time: until they are pruned ...
Tomatoes plants are in one of two groups based on their growth habit: determinate or indeterminate. Determinate varieties are smaller, compact plants that grow to a certain height, stop ...
Bring back lively flavor with these best-tasting tomato varieties. Grow heirloom tomatoes varieties in your garden to be used in delicious recipes There’s no other way to say this: Tomato ...
Tomatoes are easy to grow, both in the greenhouse and in the garden. They do well in pots and growing bags so are perfect for patios and balconies too. The Which? Gardening experts have trialled and ...
Do tomatoes need deep pots? Yes, they do. Make sure your pots are 18” deep (for determinate tomatoes) and 24” deep (for indeterminate varieties) as the minimum. How many tomato plants can you plant in ...
Staking and weaving is a highly specialized production system used by commercial tomato growers. It is a system that can easily be adapted ... Four strings are usually required for most ...
Their vigorous growth, unique texture, and rich flavor set them above all other tomato varieties. While not typically sold in supermarkets because of their fragile nature, they are a must-grow for ...
Brown spotting with yellow hallowing caused by bacterial spot in tomato When it first appears on the leaves, bacterial spot is similar in appearance to many other tomatoes diseases Tomato leaves have ...
Learn how to save seeds from tomatoes to revive heirloom varieties by saving heirloom tomato seeds and safeguard against future food uncertainty. Midsummer is here, and, for most gardeners ...