Derivatives are financial instruments whose value is derived from one or more underlying assets or securities (e.g., a stock, bond, currency, or index). A derivative is a contract that derives its ...
Adjoint algorithmic differentiation is a mathematical technique used to significantly speed up the calculation of sensitivities of derivatives prices to underlying factors, called Greeks. It is widely ...
Chen, H. L. & Panchision, D. M. Bone morphogenetic protein pleiotropism in neural stem cells and their derivatives — alternative pathways, convergent signals. Stem Cells 25 , 63–68 (2007).
Our results indicate two major stages in the course of differentiation into parietal ... specific for several types of tissues, which are derivatives of all three primary cell types.
Find the technical paper here. Published November 2022. The work “demonstrates how Enzyme optimizes hardware capacity, utilizing automatic differentiation to efficiently compute derivatives in various ...