Embark on a journey beneath the waves, where the ocean’s wonders unfold, and meet the colossal cephalopod—the giant cuttlefish (Sepia apama). Distinguished as the largest cuttlefish species globally, ...
This recipe is simplicity itself relying on fresh squid or cuttlefish, a simple asian style marinade and (like all fish) not cooking it too much! I like to try and keep the Cuttle whole while cooking ...
The Checkerboard Lounge on Chicago’s South Side was a blues institution. Originally located in a tough part of town on 43rd Street, in 2005 it moved to the more upscale Hyde Park area of the city.
Now a group of bioengineers is hoping to give drug delivery an update with a device that draws inspiration from cuttlefish and other sea creatures. The blueberry-sized device can be ...
Dave Wolfenden checks out a fabulous but rather challenging cuttlefish... Scientific name: Metasepia pfefferi. Common names: Pfeffer’s flamboyant cuttlefish or Flamboyant cuttlefish. Origin: ...