A comedy film series that follows a conman, Willie T. Soke and his partner, Marcus Skidmore as they pose as Santa and his Little Helper Elf in order to commit robberies on Christmas Eve.
Linde Jacobs paced back and forth across her bedroom, eyeing the open laptop on the dresser and willing the doctor to appear.
Went to the mall last weekend and watched parents create a chaotic line past Starbucks and Kay Jewelers so their kids could experience the wonder of Santa Claus.
Went to the mall last weekend and watched parents create a chaotic line past Starbucks and Kay Jewelers so their kids could experience the wonder of Santa Claus. There are few lines that most parents ...
I went to the mall last weekend and watched parents create a chaotic line past Starbucks and Kay Jewelers so their kids could experience the wonder of Santa Claus. There are few lines that most ...
If you're unfamiliar with the Jezebel lore, I hate this holiday and have previously tried to figure out why. But this year, I'm going to do as Sheryl Sandberg said and lean in, baby.
They provide you with good rewards no matter how good you are at the game, or how long you've been playing it. Our list of Misty Continent: Cursed Island codes will come in useful, and you should keep ...
Arnold Schwarzenegger told us that he'd be back, but he didn't mention that it would be as Santa. The action star was seen sporting a white beard and festive attire while filming an upcoming ...
Remembering some of the artists, innovators and thinkers we lost in the past year.
the Santa Slide featuring whiskey, creme de cacao, caramelized orange syrup and mole bitters, and the Koala LaLaLa created with tequiliana, apple syrup, lemon, tamarind, eucalyptus and mint.