Learn how to maximize business value through smart strategies. Discover 4 ways to make your small business more valuable.
Advertise on your own social media, and create a separate account dedicated to your business. Another way to advertise is through word of mouth. Tell everyone about your business, and be confident ...
Dave, It’s always been a dream of mine to buy and own a business. A few weeks ago, I was approached with an opportunity that ...
Create a vision that reflects where you see ... The bottom line is that starting your own business is both exciting and challenging. While the journey from office to owner requires courage and ...
Delegating does not absolve you of responsibility; it simply shifts the kind of work you do. You still own the responsibility, and your people do not. Eventually, you become more stressed and ...
There are also some practical benefits to creating your own business. When you oversee every part of its startup, you are less likely to encounter the kind of nasty surprise that can show up when ...
If you've dreamed of creating your own business but you're not sure where to begin, consider unconventional startups. Insider has interviewed many entrepreneurs who launched businesses that aren't ...