Researchers have developed a molecule that allows an important ion channel to be regulated -- a breakthrough with therapeutic potential.
Make a homemade saline solution by combining 1 to 2 cups distilled or boiled water with 1/2 to 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodized ...
Fall and winter are often considered prime times for colds and flu, but some viral illnesses surge in the spring, too.
Peppermint isn't just for candy canes and toothpaste anymore; it's a full-fledged superfood with antioxidant power to boot.
Members of UB’s athletic department recently loaded more than 10,000 pounds of football equipment onto 24 assorted pallets ...
Maybe it’s not the lip balm’s fault. Maybe it’s just that there are a few sneaky habits you’ve got that are keeping your lips ...
Rats are more likely to enter gardens in the winter months, but if you do not deter them quickly, they can make their way ...